I became a fairy, got really stubborn with grandma, kicked the shit out of many masked dudes (why can't we go back without killing him?) told Pride he could go to hell (and eventually gave up on life) got a rain of fruits (Lucky me, got this 7 times in a row, but can't win a chance game IRL... ever). Also, I tried many door but they all led to the same ending, except Giddy God's, si I got sad and started over again.
I found the reference for the corridor quite easily... Being who I am (and pissing my pants just remembering the damn thing) it.. kinda made me giggle... nervously. The Mose reference was a given for most christian, still gave me a smile.
Truth be told, until I found how to get to the grandma, I couldn't get past the jungle bit. And... I used your walkthrough for that very bit of jungle. Shame on me.
However there is ONE thing that pisses me off to no end.
it's... how the heck do I get the last 6 achievement? Countryman, Saliva Surfer, Dweller, Resident, Astral and Sormathingy? I have NO Idea whatsoever.
Also, the grandma said the dungeon monster could be killed...? Is she insane? because that's how I got the Death Addict....
You are my hero.