how to scroll for dummies
put your mouse at the edge of screen. let it scroll, the end.
Nice game. Not my cup of tea but its pretty well done and the music is nice.
how to scroll for dummies
put your mouse at the edge of screen. let it scroll, the end.
Nice game. Not my cup of tea but its pretty well done and the music is nice.
not so bad!
first, to answer gamebp dude about azerty keyboard : you must have a hell of a time with 80% of computer game and MMOs. that, or try to become left handed. Azerty suck, 80% of computer game proved it, they all use WASD to move around, some ALSO use arrow keys. is all.
now about the game.
I didnt play through it all, i'll get to it later.
Graphics arent bad but not the best ive seen. scout reminds me of Samus in Metroid for some reason. The quality is okay, but my computer is lame, i'd like it if you could add a quality button (low, medium, high) its always a big plus for everyone.
it's been a while since i last played a game with futuristic/sci-fi theme.
Pretty original i'd say.
Controls are somewhat messy, the mouse scroll is not balanced. sometime its fast, sometime its slow.
I don't get the melee thing, especially when they gun shot hit about 10 time in a row and deal a lot of damage. Class upgrade might allow you to run faster but.. melee is useless i'd say. That or i just suck at it.
Music is fitting, nice loop and no freeze. Pretty good. You made it?
Sounds effects (bullets, screams, etc) are good, sometime they just dont activate but that's okay i guess... that or my comp is too lazy, again.
Voices ... is it just me or does it sound awkward?
and most important of all... WHERE ARE THE SPACE GIRLS?! (sorry, cheap double pun, too easy, had to.)
I give 3.5/5 and 7.5/10. That's only the first rating.
Like i said i didnt play to the end yet. i'll review again when i do so.
only 1 bug my ass
no seriously there is more than one bug
first, jumping on stuff hurts you, letting them jump on you hurts LESS.. so just run through the level.
second, the first boss is impossilbe. you cant jump on him-> it just kills you doing so anyway, you cant run away, all you can do is dodge his shit.
third what's with the "world map"?...
fourth why would you jump when you can simply run straight? itll get you on the ledge all by itself anyway
idea is nothing new -save the kidnapped princess? feels like mario + aliens
graphic are... so-so i guess. its not bad for cartoonish amateurism
engine is lame
plot is somewhat lame
turret work great, you just have TO PRESS THE BUTTON (subliminal message to the blind guy below me)
and i have a question....
When does it end?
i beat the game ok. slayed demon, helped that goo-barrel-girl and all use all items...
EXCEPT THE FISH! i event painted the fish red... then what? i cant seem to find how to use it.
Funny game. nice comments and humor. too much dialog tho
not only does OUR bullet follow the crosshair, but ENNEMY'S Bullet FOLLOW THE TRAIN!
You can't make anything else than some sort of rectangular loop for the train. kinda lame.
Music? where's the music? Hell there's the train sound but that's all?!
Graphics are way too simple.
I advice you try to learn a bit more about flash animation (and games) before your next attempt. it could be vital =/
one point because a train defense game has never been done before.. at least not that i've heard of
Bullet following cursor bug removed.
Thanks for giving one point !!!!!!!!!!!
i'm blind or what?
i can't seem to find an alternate ending to this game. I mean, i tried "meeting" at middle, left, then right, then not at all. still gives me the same ending. which are : BAM CREDITS!
i don't get the point of it...
i'm no pro, but here's some advice
yes, this definitly has a lot of potential. Sprite are great and fluids, attacks are... well they attack.
here's some suggestion (some are harder to do than the others)
1, Character get "stunned" or falls back when hit. (Opens the way to combos)
2, combos, instead of pressing and holding the attack button, make it a "mash" thing. dunno if that's clear enough.... It feels like an autofire, make it manual fire =)
3, add some characters! (dunno if you planned to add more, bt it'd be great. like, secret chars after story mode or something.
4, The SFX can be found easily. if they get it for Warcraft 3 maps, you should be able to find it. Try the "HIVE" forum. They specialise in wc3 maps but you might be able to find the SFX there (or some hint at least)
5, when the attack doesn't connect (doesn't hit at all) make it impossible to chain the rest of the combo. That, or make 2-3 attack buttons with different type of attack.
6, try to add some "limitation" to the jutsu (Rasengan and Chidori) so we can't do it anytime we want. Like, a Chakra meteror something. Maybe a button combination too? Like up-left-down-right-H-H-H.
7, Special background effect when "high level Jutsu" are used. Like "Katon, Gokyaku no jutsu - the fireball - and some other stuff. Why not som picture on the background? Maybe the Character's face on one of the corner of the screen.
Personnal request would be to add Konohamaru to the character. I remember playing as Konohamaru on one of the PS2 games, instead of Kunai or star, he throws rocks and stuff. pretty funny.
Also, you could add some humor, funny line the character said or random funny/stunned/shocked face for the loser. Naruto is an expressive anime so i don't think you'll need to search very far to get some nifty face expressions.
You could let the player choose his character (especially if you use AI and stuff)
That's about it i think. If i ever get more ideas or suggestions, i'll let you know.
Good Luck!
Good detailed criticism :D Thats what I needed! thanks
about impossible to play fully
more than 1 inche away from the enemy, i still get hit. shift doesnt work half of the time even with 3 bomb left. control are messy. I play on Firefox, everything is up to date with my plugins and all.
I like the game though. It got a good feeling. But could you get rid of all those pop-up achievement? Yeah it's good to have them and all BUT WHY ARE THEY POPPING RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN!? Block the view, waste of time and of lives. Seriously annoying.
The upgrades are fine... except the "rollover" part. You dont need to rollover, just get your ship inside the box.
Btw, the box is also very annoying when you're in the middle of 20 enemies and cant move where you want to. As soon as you stop, for even a split second, the upgrade is done. I upgraded life when i wanted gun, bomb when i wanted gun, got the wrong gun... (Yeah i suck a these games but i stil like 'em...)
graphics : Nice "old school" feelings. 2/3
Controls : "bleh" 1/3
Concept and ideas : Very good 2/3
Likeliness to replay : 0/1 not much to add.
Overall score : 5/10
But that's only MY opinion.
some tips
to all those who don't understand by themselves.
If you HOLD the mouse button, you will jump higher!
After the first 4 hurdles the game speed up a bit. And make it easier to jump over the hurdle.
After 10 hurdles, it's relativly easy to avoid the hurdle. I didn't get past the 20's yet but i like this game. i'll try to get a real score, maybe hit the 100 or so.
I don't understand why you made a japanese version but it's ok, i don't really mind haha.
I am glad to see that someone understands the game mechanics. The game is in both English and Chinese (not Japanese). Thank you for your review.
Big Shot? Big Shot...
Age 37, Male
Joined on 9/22/10